Getting started with CLI

Getting Started with Numerous

This guide will show you how to get a simple code-example up and running on the numerous platform.


You will need the following in order to get started with this guide:

  • Access to a terminal or IDE
  • Python 3.9 or later installed
  • Access to the numerous platform, see more here.

Create a tool

Click on Tools in the menu to the left. Click on + Add New Tool in the top right corner.

Give the tool a name like "Sine Wave tool". Click Add Tool

Add a job to the tool

Click on + Add Job. The job-dialog opens.

Give your job a Job Name like "My Job". Click on the Add Job button at the bottom of the dialog.

Click Save tool changes at the bottom of the window.

Create a project

Click on the general workspace in the sidebar menu. Click on + New Project in the top right corner.

Give the project a Name like "My Project".

Click on Add Project at the bottom of the page

Add a group to your project

Click on the Add Group button. Give your group a Group Name like "My Group".

Click the Save button.

Add a scenario

On the group you just created click on the Add Scenario button.

Under Tool choose the tool you just created.

Give the scenario a Scenario name like "My Scenario". Click the Add Scenario button.

Setting up the code

Now you are on a page that looks like this:

Scenario Page Figure 1: Scenario Page

Click on the play button (▶) to open the Start My Job dialog.

Click on Edit job code to open the Editing job code with numerous CLI dialog. Keep this dialog open while you work in the terminal.

Open your terminal and navigate to a folder where you want to add the numerous sample code.

Clone this (opens in a new tab) repo:

git clone
cd Sine-Wave

Install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the newest version of the numerous CLI package:

pip install --extra-index-url= numerous-cli==0.11.2

Initialize the repository:

numerous init

From the Editing job code with numerous CLI dialog copy the two lines with the numerous config, numerous config --remote <xxxx> and numerous config --checkout <yyyy>:

numerous config --remote <replace>
numerous config --checkout <relace>

Now you are ready to push the repository to numerous:

numerous push -c "Sine Wave"

And build the image:

numerous build

Running the code

On the scenario page with the two dialogs open, close the dialogs by clicking outside the dialog.

Click on the play button (▶) to open the Start My Job dialog again.

Notice how the job now has an image path.

Set duration to one hour.

Click Start Simulation.

Displaying the output

Notice how Data output turned green. Click on Data Output

Click on + Add New Report

Click Save

Open your report

Click New Line Graph

Under Current scenario data tags click on the tag Sine

Now you should see a graph like the one below:

Sine Wave graph Figure 2: The sine wave graph

You can zoom in by clicking and dragging on the graph. You zoom out again by double clicking.