Referencing Components

Referencing components in code

1. Import Required Modules: In this code, you are importing necessary modules for working with the numerous.image_tools package, as well as the logging module for debugging purposes.

from numerous.image_tools.job import NumerousBaseJob, ExitCode
from import run_job
import logging

2. Create a Logger: A logger named "ReferencingComponents" is created using the logging module. This logger will be used to print debugging information.

logger = logging.getLogger("ReferencingComponents")

3. Define a Custom Job Class: A custom job class named NumerousJob is defined. It inherits from NumerousBaseJob, which is provided by the numerous.image_tools package. The run_job method is overridden to define the actual logic that the job will execute.

class NumerousJob(NumerousBaseJob):
    def run_job(self) -> ExitCode:
        components = self.system.components
        # Iterate over the components in the system and access their parameters.
        for component_name, component in components.items():
            if component_name == "component1":
                # Access the value of a parameter named "param1" for component1.
                param1_value = component.constants["param1"]
                # Now the value of param1_value can be used in the job logic.
        return ExitCode.COMPLETED

4. Run the Example: A function named run_example is defined to run the job using the run_job function from the module. An instance of NumerousJob is created and passed as an argument. Additionally, you specify the application name and the model folder.

def run_example():

5. Main Execution: The if __name__ == "__main__": block ensures that the code inside it is only executed when the script is run directly, not when it's imported as a module. In this block, you configure the logging level and call the run_example function to execute the job.

if __name__ == "__main__":

Usage Guide:

  1. Replace "component1" with the actual name of the component you want to reference.
  2. Access the value of a parameter using component.constants["param1"].
  3. Use the retrieved parameter value in the job's logic as needed.
  4. Execute the script to run the job and reference the component's parameter.

Remember to replace placeholders and customize the code according to your specific use case and requirements.