Blank component

Blank component

Blank component

Blank components hold your data and your UI elements in your tools. With blank components, container components and blank components as sub-components you can make a complex UI and data model.

Add component

To add a blank component click + Add Component Type and choose Blank component. Give the component a Display Name and an ID. The Display Name is the name that will be shown to users of the scenario.

Click the > to expand the component.


This is the ID that is used when referencing the component in code. See the example Referencing components for more.

Allow disabling

When this is set to true it allows the users of scenarios to disable the component. This can be used in code to check if the component should be used in a calculation or other actions. The default value is false.

Instantiate on start

TODO - Tooltip: If enabled component will be added to top level of new scenarios.

Item class

Item class is used to make your code work with different parts of the data model you make with blank components. In your code you can use item class to run certain parts of your code. The item class will be a pointer into your code.


See Parameters.

Input variables

See Input variables.

Sub components

Read about working with sub-components.


To reposition the component click on the three dots and choose Reposition.

Drag the component to where you need it. If you are working with sub-components it is recommended to have the root of the sub-component tree on top.

Duplicate component

To duplicate the component click on the three dots and choose Duplicate component. Give the new component a Display name and ID. The new component appears below the duplicated component.

Save to library

To save the component to the component library click on the three dots and choose Save to library. Read more about the component library here.

Delete component

To delete the component click on the three dots and choose Delete component.