

The scenario page is the main page in the numerous app. It is where the tool configuration comes to life and where you con run your jobs. This article will give you an overview of the elements on the scenario page.

Scenario page overview Figure 1: Overview of the scenario page. The numbers refer to sections below

Main elements

1. Run jobs

This is where you run jobs. See more about running jobs here.

2. Output data

Output data is purpose built for handling timeseries output from your jobs. See working with timeseries.

3. Reports and files

This is where files generated by the scenario jobs show up. This can be any type of file, but numerous has built in support for showing the most common file formats like html, pdf etc directly in the browser, other files will be downloaded.

4. Scenario information

This section contains the basic information on your scenario.

You can the name and description of the scenario.

You can also change the tool associated with the scenario.


Changing the tool on the scenario will cause the parameters, jobs and components to be reset to default values.

5. Inputs

Inputs are timeseries input to your jobs. See working with timeseries.

6. Scenario parameters

Scenario parameters are the parameters you add directly on the tool. These parameters can be references in your job code.

Remember to save when you have changed scenario parameters. The save button will appear in the top right corner.

7. Model components

Model components are the components you added under your tool. Here is an example of how that can look:

Scenario Model Components Figure 5: Scenario model components example

In the above example a container component has been used to make the two tabs Ambient File and Ambient Data.

Under Ambient Data 3 parameters has been added latitude, longitude and altitude and several Input variables has been added seen here in the buttom part of the example.

You are able to make nearly any kind of data model with blank components, container components and sub components. The parameters and input variables you add to your model can be referenced in your jo code.

Remember to save when you have changed scenario parameters. The save button will appear in the top right corner.

8. Tool updates

When you change the tool, ie. by adding or editing model components, you will get notified on the scenarios that use the tool, that there is an update.

Tool updates work by mergning in the update from the tool with the existing parameter and input data on the scenario. You do not lose your configurations when syncronizing updates from your tool unless you have deletes model components.

Make sure to save your work before updating the scenario with the Get tool update-button.


Unsaved chenges on the scenario page will be lost if you merge the tool update

Top menu

In the top menu you can:

Pin/unpin the scenario to the sidebar for eazy access.

Duplicate the scenario to the same or other projects.

Show the current job log for the jobs on the scenario.

Copy link to the scenario.

Download JSON representation of the scenario including the scenario model.

Copy scenario data to the clipboard.

Label the scenario. The labels appear on the group under the projects as an extra description or tag of the scenario.

Archive and delete the scenario.